About Us
Harmony Creek Church is a United Church of Christ community. We are a ministry-led church and focus on fellowship and community. We are open and affirming to the LGBTQ+ community and believe that the work of Jesus is done through helping others and sharing love and kindness. Take a look at our site to learn more or to connect with one of our members. We are confident you will find a home here.
Sundays at Harmony Creek
Worship Service
Sundays at 10:30 am
Good Shepherd Lutheran Community Room
Our worship service maintains a faithfulness to Christian tradition and practice but in a way that is fresh, lively, and consistent with progressive theology and witness. We sing hymns, offer praise and prayers, and engage with sermons that are challenging and inspiring. We have a "come as you are" rule. No need to dress in your Sunday best; dress in whatever way you feel comfortable.

Sundays at 10:30 am

Salon is a throwback from earlier days in Europe where friends gathered to talk, laugh, and seek a more meaningful experience of living through the wisdom of art, literature, science, politics, ethics, etc. It is a hospitable space for those who favor a more human-centered approach to life. There is no singing or prayers —just a community of opinions! A new topic is featured each week, and you are welcome to speak or simply sit and listen.

LGBTQIA+ Diversity and Inclusion
In the United Church of Christ, churches have the opportunity to go through the process to become an Open and Affirming Congregation. It is one thing to be friendly and welcoming, and these things are truly great, but to be Open and Affirming means so much more. Harmony Creek Church embarked on an intentional process to come together, with training and reflection, to arrive at a personal declaration of full inclusion. Within Harmony Creek Church, LGBTQIAP+ people are welcome at the table—to share in full communion, to have a voice, to join in making choices, and to have equal opportunities to share in the leadership of the church. Not only do we welcome LGBTQIAP+ persons into our church, but we also make space for their bodies, lift up their voices and choices, and place them in positions of leadership, extending full and whole membership to them. We do all this in the spirit of Extravagant Welcome and Radical Hospitality, which are valued principles of the biblical traditions and important elements of the United Church of Christ tradition.

Find Your Faith
Let your experience surprise you. We know that church is not for everyone. We recognize that many people have been hurt by the church and that many churches do not focus on their communities enough. We strive to create a place where all people can feel welcome and loved. There is a place for you here, in whatever capacity you choose. Church shouldn't hurt; it is where broken hearts help each other heal. You are welcome here.